Brow Lift

Aug 15, 2024

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What is a brow lift?

Over time, the eyebrows tend to move downward, causing the eyes and face to appear more tired and older. A brow lift is a procedure that raises the eyebrows to a higher position, either through surgical or non-surgical methods.

Why is a brow lift performed?

Brow lift procedures are typically performed to change the shape of eyebrows that have sagged over time due to gravity, making a person appear older and more severe. Additionally, brow lifts are performed in cases of permanent eye damage following trauma to enhance the field of vision during upper and lower eyelid surgeries. Lastly, brow lifts are also used to complement upper eyelid cosmetic surgeries for a more complete appearance.

Brow lift techniques

There are both surgical and non-surgical methods available to raise the position of the eyebrows. These techniques include the following:

Surgical brow lift

Surgical brow lift methods are applied in cases where eyebrow drooping is severe and non-surgical techniques are insufficient. For instance, individuals with skin sagging or deep wrinkles often prefer surgical brow lift techniques.

Endoscopic brow lift

In the endoscopic brow lift method, a small incision is made in the scalp. Through this incision, micro-cameras and surgical instruments are inserted to position the eyebrows as desired.

This procedure, performed under local anesthesia, is less invasive than other surgical brow lift methods, resulting in a quicker and more comfortable recovery process for patients. Additionally, no visible scarring occurs, and side effects like swelling and bruising are less common. Despite the scalp incision, there is no risk of hair loss.

Classic brow lift

Classic brow lift surgeries are also known as brow lift and forehead lift surgeries, as they involve the removal of excess skin from the temple area. This technique is one of the less commonly chosen brow lift methods today because, over time, the skin moves downward, making the scar more visible. This results in a long scar in the temples, which may require a repeat surgery to correct.

Brow suspension

The brow suspension method is also performed under local anesthesia. This procedure is very simple, and the incision is made from the scalp, providing an advantage. Special aesthetic threads are passed through the incision and directed to the middle and outer parts of the eyebrows. The eyebrows are then lifted to the desired position. The biggest advantage of this procedure is that individuals can return to their daily routines in a short time. However, the results of this procedure last for about 6 to 24 months, after which the eyebrows return to their original position.

Non-surgical brow lift

Non-surgical brow lift procedures offer excellent alternatives for individuals who are dissatisfied with the position of their eyebrows but do not wish to undergo surgery. The ease of application and the ability to continue with daily life afterward are among the benefits offered by these techniques. The following are non-surgical brow lift methods:

Brow lift with Botox

Botox is the most commonly chosen method among non-surgical brow lift techniques. The quick application and minimal side effects make this technique attractive.

Before the Botox application, the new position of the eyebrows must be determined. Necessary markings are made according to the individual's facial features, aiming for a more natural and healthy appearance.

Next, a cream with a local anesthetic effect is applied to the area. Once the area is numb, Botox is injected into the predetermined points to immobilize the muscles, allowing the eyebrows to be positioned as desired.

One of the most critical aspects of Botox application is ensuring that the procedure does not restrict the natural movements of the eyebrows. Therefore, it should be applied in small doses. Changes are usually noticeable within a few days after the procedure.

The primary advantage of this method is that there is no scarring or recovery period, allowing individuals to return to their daily activities immediately. The results of this procedure last for about 4 to 6 months, so it is recommended to repeat it twice a year to maintain the results.

Brow lift with fillers

Brow lift with fillers is one of the methods that allow the eyebrows to be positioned as desired without restricting their natural movements. However, it is not the most commonly chosen brow lift technique. The procedure takes about 10 minutes, and it takes 7 to 10 days to see the results. To maintain the results, it is recommended to repeat the procedure twice a year.

HIFU brow lift

HIFU, short for High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound, is a brow lift method that uses high-intensity ultrasound waves. In this method, electromagnetic sound waves are applied to the brow area to heat the skin tissue, promoting tissue regeneration. This regeneration increases the elasticity of the brow area and accelerates cellular renewal, eliminating brow sagging.

The procedure takes between 10 and 20 minutes, depending on the level of sagging. Afterward, individuals can resume their daily activities. The most significant advantage of this method is that, unlike other ultrasound methods, it penetrates up to 4.5 mm below the skin's surface. Some results are visible immediately, but it takes about three months to achieve full results.

Brow lift with golden needles

The golden needle brow lift, also known as fractional radiofrequency, is a method used to lift the eyebrows. In this method, radiofrequency is directed to the brow area using golden needles, allowing the eyebrows to be positioned as desired without any visible scarring. The frequency level used and the depth of needle insertion are determined based on the patient's specific needs.

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