Clear Aligners

May 06, 2024

Table of contents

What is a transparent aligner?

A transparent aligner is one of the treatment methods used by orthodontists. In this treatment method, which does not use braces, transparent dental aligners specially produced for patients are used. In this way, the teeth can be brought to the desired position. Transparent aligners are produced according to the digital measurements taken, and thus, the misalignment of the teeth is corrected.

Why use a transparent aligner?

A transparent aligner is a treatment method used in cases of mild to moderate tooth misalignment. Thanks to transparent aligners, patients with such teeth can undergo treatment without any aesthetic concerns. In addition, if the patient's jaw structure is problematic or if the teeth are arranged in a more complex way, traditional metal braces are recommended. This is because these aligners will not achieve the desired result.

How to use a transparent aligner?

  • Proper fitting and usage of the aligners used in transparent aligner treatment are extremely important for the success of the treatment. Therefore, the aligners should be carefully inserted and removed as instructed by the dentist. If transparent aligners are used for both the upper and lower teeth, the letters "u" for the upper part and "l" for the lower part are used. It is extremely important to pay attention to these letters during the placement of the aligner.

  • Care should be taken to ensure that the transparent aligner fits perfectly over the teeth. If this position is not achieved, breakages or cracks in the aligners may occur when the teeth come into contact with each other. During the removal of the transparent aligner, gently applying pressure with a fingernail between the aligner edge and the gum on both the right and left sides of the teeth is sufficient.

  • For transparent aligner treatment to be effective, it must remain on the teeth for at least 20 hours a day, except during tooth brushing and eating times. When the aligners are not in use, they should be stored in their case and not stacked on top of each other. Non-hot drinks can be consumed while using the aligners. Hot drinks should be avoided as they can deform the aligner.

  • No food should be consumed, including snacks or soft foods, while using the transparent aligner. Otherwise, the consumed food may damage the aligners. The teeth should be brushed before the aligner is worn. If the aligner is worn without brushing, discoloration and odor may occur. If discoloration or odor occurs for any reason, the cleaning crystals provided to patients at the beginning of the treatment can be used.

  • If these crystals are not available, the aligner can be cleaned under cold tap water with liquid soap and a toothbrush that has not previously come into contact with toothpaste. In situations where brushing is not possible, the mouth should be rinsed with water before wearing the aligner. Smokers may experience discoloration of the aligners. However, since the aligners are replaced every 10 to 14 days during the treatment, they do not encounter a significant problem.

  • It may take time to get used to using the aligner. Therefore, speech may be affected in the first week. The aligner may cause pain initially. In such cases, prescribed pain relievers can be used. After the aligners' usage period is over, they should be stored in proper packaging as recommended. Chewing exercises as shown by experts should be done for 2-3 days after the aligner change.

How should a transparent aligner be cleaned?

To maintain oral hygiene, transparent aligners should be cleaned regularly. It is extremely important to clean them regularly to prevent the accumulation of bacteria over time. The aligners should be rinsed with water every night and brushed with a soft-bristled toothbrush. After brushing, care should be taken to rinse the aligners thoroughly. Due to the lower saliva production at night, bacteria production is higher. Therefore, patients should clean their aligners when they wake up in the morning. Toothpaste should not be used during the cleaning of the aligners.

Advantages of a transparent aligner

The advantages of using a transparent aligner during orthodontic treatment include:

  • Due to the aligners fitting perfectly over the teeth, it is extremely difficult to notice them from the outside.
  • Since they can be removed at any desired time of the day, they provide more comfort of use compared to other orthodontic methods.
  • There are no restrictions on any food or drink.
  • Since they are digitally planned, the result to be obtained is known in advance.

Complications of a transparent aligner

The use of a transparent aligner also has some complications. These complications include:

  • Feeling of discomfort
  • Mouth sores
  • Damage to the aligners
  • Longer treatment duration
  • Difficulty in maintaining the aligners
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