Dimple Surgery

Aug 26, 2024

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What is Dimple Surgery?

A dimple is a term given to the indentations typically seen on the cheeks or chin, especially noticeable when a person smiles. Dimples are naturally formed due to a natural deformation in the muscle tissue and have found a place in modern beauty standards. For this reason, many people opt for dimple surgery to have dimples.

The operations performed to create dimples through surgical methods are called dimple surgery. Dimples can form not only on the face but also on the lower back. A dimple in the back may be located at the lower back or positioned at the upper part of the buttocks.

Dimple surgery refers to the surgical procedure that creates dimples on both the face and the back. After the procedure, dimples appear on the face during certain facial expressions.

In dimple surgery, some muscles are deliberately damaged. This damage does not affect the person's health or movements but creates the appearance of a dimple. Depending on the person's preference, the dimple can be made visible only during facial expressions or be permanently visible.

How is Dimple Surgery Performed?

Dimple surgery is a procedure that can be performed by aesthetic surgeons. It is a non-complicated operation carried out under local anesthesia. These procedures, which take about an hour, are considered to be simple and easy.

Before the procedure, the location of the dimple is determined. In addition to the patient's preference, the anatomical structure must be suitable for the procedure. Usually, an incision is made inside the mouth.

These incisions inside the mouth create the appearance of a dimple. A small piece of tissue is removed from the incision area to form the dimple. Due to the nature of the procedure, it is also referred to as a buccal fat removal (Bichectomy) procedure.

In back dimples, a portion of the tissue under the skin is surgically removed. This creates an indentation in the lower back area.

Where is Dimple Surgery Applied?

Dimple surgery is applied to areas where dimples naturally occur. Today, women generally prefer dimples on the cheeks and lower back, while men often opt for chin dimples.

Cheek Dimples

Cheek dimples, particularly favored by women, are created through a procedure where an incision is made in the cheek tissue. Depending on the individual's preference, the dimple can be made to be permanently visible or only visible during facial expressions such as smiling.

Venus Dimples

Dimples located on the lower back or above the buttocks are called Venus dimples. Venus dimples are also a type of aesthetic procedure typically preferred by women. In these surgeries, a portion of the subcutaneous tissues in the desired area is removed, creating the dimple appearance.

Preoperative Considerations for Dimple Surgery

Dimple surgery is a very simple and low-risk procedure. Therefore, no significant preparation is required before the operation. However, to speed up recovery, it is recommended to quit smoking and alcohol consumption before the surgery. Additionally, if the patient has any allergies, it is important to inform the doctor. Finally, the specific characteristics of the desired dimple should be clearly communicated.

Postoperative Care for Dimple Surgery

Proper care after dimple surgery can accelerate the healing process. General postoperative instructions include the following:

  • Proper care of the surgical site is essential.
  • The surgical site should be protected from trauma.
  • The surgical site should not be exposed to water for the recommended period after the operation.
  • Medications prescribed by the doctor should be taken regularly.
  • Postoperative check-ups should be attended regularly.

Recovery Process for Dimple Surgery

The recovery process after dimple surgery is very quick. Although some pain may be felt after the surgery, it does not last long, and visible recovery occurs within a few days. Compared to other aesthetic procedures, dimple surgery has a very easy and fast recovery process.

Risks of Dimple Surgery

Although dimple surgery is a reliable and easy procedure, there are some risks due to its surgical nature. These risks include the following:

  • Swelling
  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Failure to create a dimple if insufficient tissue is removed

Postoperative Diet for Dimple Surgery

If dimple surgery is performed on the cheek, it is important to choose liquid or soft foods after the surgery, as there will be an incision inside the mouth. This prevents irritation of the surgical site. Additionally, maintaining a healthy diet can help speed up recovery.

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