
Approved Doctor(s) ; Johann Eli Gudjonsson , Mio Nakamura • Jun 06, 2024

Table of contents

What is Mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy is a method where various substances are injected into the mesodermal layer of tissues in problematic areas to solve the issue. It was first applied in 1952 by French Doctor Michel Pistor.

The substances used in mesotherapy vary according to the problem. It is generally used for skin rejuvenation, removing excess fat, and hair health.

Mesotherapy can also be applied without needles. In this method used for skincare, various substances that can address the problem are also used. Different techniques are employed to allow these substances to reach the deeper layers of the skin.

Hair Mesotherapy

Mesotherapy can be used to treat any hair-related health issue, primarily hair loss. However, it is recommended that individuals with hair problems undergo a dermatological examination before the application. Areas where hair mesotherapy is used include:

  • Dandruff on the scalp
  • Dryness of the scalp
  • Hair loss due to stress, pregnancy, or seasonal changes
  • Thinning or loss of vitality in hair strands
  • Male pattern baldness
  • Genetic hair loss
  • Regional hair loss
  • Hair thinning

How is Hair Mesotherapy Applied?

The steps in hair mesotherapy application are as follows:

  • In the preliminary preparation phase, the scalp is examined. This examination is crucial for determining and customizing the treatment. The preliminary preparation phase also includes cleaning and disinfecting the scalp.
  • In the next phase, the solution to be applied during treatment is prepared. The solution typically includes vitamins, minerals, growth-enhancing elements, and antioxidants to nourish the scalp.
  • During the microinjection phase, specially prepared solutions are applied to the problematic area using special and very fine needles. This helps nourish the hair follicles and initiates the process of improving blood circulation.
  • The intervals between sessions are determined based on the response of the individual's hair between sessions.

Benefits of Hair Mesotherapy

Hair mesotherapy is primarily used to control hair loss and improve hair health. It strengthens hair follicles and promotes hair growth. Mesotherapy is also used when hair appears lifeless. The advantages of mesotherapy include:

  • It is essential to consider the expectations of individuals and the evaluation of the doctor before applying mesotherapy, which is primarily preferred for treating hair loss.
  • It provides positive results in treating genetic baldness, especially in men. This application significantly reduces the need for hair transplantation.
  • There is no need to shave the hair before mesotherapy.
  • The direct injection of the substance into the hair follicles allows for quick results.
  • It increases hair density and volume.
  • Improves hair quality, making it look shinier and stronger.
  • Promotes the growth of new hair.
  • Improves the overall health of the scalp.
  • Increases blood circulation in the scalp.
  • Its anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties help eliminate issues like dandruff.
  • Slows down the aging process of the hair, protecting hair strands and the scalp from stress and environmental factors.

Does Mesotherapy Grow Hair?

Hair mesotherapy applications can promote the growth of new hair. The substances injected beneath the skin strengthen hair follicles and facilitate hair growth. However, hair follicles must be present for this to occur. If there are no hair follicles, it will not have any effect.

Who Can Undergo Hair Mesotherapy?

Hair mesotherapy can be applied to both men and women. Hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy or menopause can cause hair loss in women.

However, if hair loss reaches the point of baldness, mesotherapy may not be effective enough. It is more suitable for cases of significant hair loss or alopecia areata.

In men, starting mesotherapy at the onset of hair loss can delay baldness. This allows men to begin the hair transplant process later.

Finally, hair mesotherapy yields very positive results when hair strands thin and lose vitality.

Post-Hair Mesotherapy Care

The following points should be considered after hair mesotherapy:

  • The most important point to consider after the application is to avoid getting the hair wet for 24 hours. If water touches the hair or scalp, the effectiveness of the substance applied will decrease.
  • Avoid heavy physical exercise within the first 48 hours after the application, as sweating during activity increases the risk of infection in the treated area.
  • Avoid using hair styling products, hair dye, and chemicals like perms after the application.
  • Protect the treated area from the sun in the days following the procedure by wearing a hat when going outside.
  • Avoid applying heat to the hair within a few days after the application.
  • Handle the hair and scalp gently after the procedure. Avoid combing the hair harshly and tightly tying it up.
  • It is crucial to follow the doctor's recommendations, which usually include suitable shampoos and lotions for the application.
  • Attend the sessions regularly as recommended by the doctor to maintain the positive effects of the application.

Mesotherapy or PRP for Hair?

Both hair mesotherapy and PRP significantly slow down hair loss. While neither method can completely stop hair loss, they can promote the growth of new hair if hair follicles are present.

The main difference between mesotherapy and PRP is that mesotherapy uses various substances such as vitamins, minerals, or hyaluronic acid, whereas PRP uses plasma derived from the individual's own blood.

Both methods provide effective results for hair, so the choice of method should be determined through a detailed examination.

Hair Mesotherapy Drugs

The drugs prepared for hair mesotherapy applications vary. The selected substances are chosen according to the problem. Each syringe can contain 2 to 6 different drugs. B vitamins are frequently used in hair mesotherapy.

Ready-made cocktails can be used in hair mesotherapy, or customized cocktails can be prepared for individuals. These cocktails are divided into allopathic and homeopathic types.

Allopathic cocktails contain vitamins, elastin, minerals, vasodilators, and other active ingredients. Homeopathic cocktails contain oils and other chemical components. Allopathic cocktails dissolve quickly, providing faster resolution of the problem. Homeopathic cocktails awaken the body's own potential activity, with effects increasing cumulatively. Therefore, repeated sessions are required. Homeopathic cocktails address both aesthetic and underlying issues of the hair.

Substances used in mesotherapy applications include:

  • Copper and zinc, which prevent weakness in hair structure, are used for hereditary hair loss.
  • Hyaluronic acid nourishes hair follicles and speeds up hair growth.
  • Amino acids, which are the building blocks of hair, contribute to the formation of keratin fibers in hair strands.
  • Growth factor normalizes blood flow in the scalp, strengthening hair follicles and increasing hair density.
  • Coenzyme is used to improve hair structure.

How Long Does the Effect of Hair Mesotherapy Last?

The longevity of the effects of hair mesotherapy depends on individuals' genetic and hair structure, lifestyle, and the quality of the application. Generally, the effects of the treatment are expected to last between 6 and 12 months.

To prolong this period, it is essential to use products that support scalp health and adopt a healthy lifestyle. For some individuals, maintenance sessions may be necessary to ensure permanence. Maintenance therapy intervals are longer than regular sessions.

Side Effects of Hair Mesotherapy

Possible side effects after hair mesotherapy include:

  • Swelling, redness, or inflammation may occur in the injection areas. This typically resolves with care within a few days after the procedure.
  • Pain or tenderness may be felt in the injection area.
  • Small bruises may form due to damage to small blood vessels in the treated areas.
  • Itching is also a common side effect after the application.
  • Rarely, inflammation may occur in the injection area. The risk of infection increases if proper sterilization is not maintained during the application and correct post-application care is not followed.
  • Another rare condition is the development of allergic reactions to the substances used.

The side effects observed after hair mesotherapy are usually mild and temporary. There is generally no cause for concern, especially if proper care is applied after the procedure.

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