Penis Enlargement Surgery

Aug 29, 2024

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Penis Enlargement

Many concerns about penis size are related to perception. However, some people choose to undergo surgery or try other methods to enlarge their penis.

Penis Enlargement Surgery

The surgery performed to make the penis larger is called penis enlargement surgery. This surgery can not only lengthen the penis but also increase its thickness.

Additionally, penis enlargement surgeries are often chosen due to aesthetic concerns. Many people, even if their penis is functional, are not satisfied with its size or thickness. This is a perception-based issue. If this concern about the penis affects daily life, and the penis size is normal, conditions like penis dysmorphophobia or small penis anxiety may be present.

Methods of Penis Enlargement Surgery

The following procedures are among the methods used in penis enlargement surgeries:


The suspensory ligament, which attaches the penis to the pubic bone, is surgically cut. The relaxed penis hangs lower and appears longer.

Penis Enlargement Using Autologous Fat

In this procedure, fat is first removed from a suitable area of the patient using liposuction. The fat is then injected around the penis to give it a thicker appearance.

Penis Enlargement Using Dermal Fillers

In this method, dermal fillers, which are also used in cosmetics, are injected under the skin of the penis. This method is considered safer compared to other methods.

Penuma Implantation

The Penuma device, the only FDA-approved product, is made of soft silicone. This implant is placed under the skin of the penis.

Surgical Removal of the Suprapubic Fat Pad

The fatty tissue surrounding the penis is removed in individuals with buried penis issues. This does not increase the length of the penis, but the reduction in surrounding tissues reveals the true length of the penis.

Complications of Penis Enlargement Surgery

The potential complications of penis enlargement surgery and after include:

  • Reaction to anesthesia
  • Scarring
  • Inflammatory reaction
  • The need for additional surgery, which could result in a shorter penis
  • Penile curvature or bend due to scarring
  • Loss of sensation in the penis
  • Penile pain
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Infection
  • Dissatisfaction with the results

How Is Penis Enlargement Surgery Performed?

Before penis enlargement surgery, it is essential to assess whether the individual is a suitable candidate, just like with any other surgical procedure. The following questions should be considered:

  • Is the individual healthy enough for anesthesia and surgery?
  • Have the necessary psychological evaluations been completed?
  • Are all the risks of the procedure understood? Is there any use of tobacco products?
  • Is circumcision present?
  • Is there any use of medications like blood thinners that could affect healing?
  • Is there diabetes?
  • Has there been any previous pelvic surgery?

After answering these questions, if the decision is made to proceed with surgery, the specific procedure will vary depending on the characteristics of the surgery. However, when it comes to penis enlargement, contrary to popular advertisements, there are very few effective procedures, and all of these must be performed in a clinic or operating room.

When Is Penis Enlargement Surgery Appropriate?

Penis enlargement surgeries are performed not only for aesthetic reasons but also to treat certain health conditions. These conditions include micropenis and buried penis. A micropenis or very small penis is a congenital condition.

A buried penis means that the penis is hidden under the skin of the abdomen, thighs, or scrotum. This condition can be congenital but can also occur due to aging.

Individuals with these conditions may need to undergo penis enlargement surgery to achieve a functional penis. The functions of the penis include urinating while standing and engaging in penetrative sexual intercourse.

Non-Surgical Penis Enlargement

Applying any cream, lotion, or device to the penis without a doctor's approval is extremely risky. Some of these treatments may not provide any results, while others may damage the penis. Therefore, it is essential to consult with a specialist and obtain their approval before trying non-surgical penis enlargement methods. The following are non-surgical penis enlargement options:

Testosterone Replacement Therapy

This therapy is typically used in children with micropenis due to low hormone levels. Experts administer this therapy through oral, buccal, intramuscular injections, transdermal patches, subdermal implants, or nasal preparations.

Penis Enlargement Exercises

Penis enlargement exercises can help naturally enlarge the penis. Lubricants or massage oils can be used before these exercises. The following are some penis enlargement exercises:


After applying a lubricant or massage oil to the penis, a gentle massage is performed. The goal of this massage is to stretch the skin of the penis, which may promote its growth. Regular repetition of the massage is required for faster results.

Penis Pumps

These stretching devices are attached to the penis. They create an instant erection. Penis pumps are usually prescribed for men suffering from erectile dysfunction.

To apply a penis pump, first, a lubricant is applied to the penis. Then, the tube is placed over the penis, and the pump is activated. An erection occurs within a few minutes.

Jelqing Exercise

This is the most commonly used exercise among men. It helps thicken the penis. To increase the length of the penis, this exercise should be done daily, twice a day. It also contributes to a healthy sexual relationship.

To perform this exercise, the penis should be warmed up first. Then, both hands are placed on the penis, and slowly moved up and down.

Stretching Exercise

This exercise, which provides faster results, is similar to the jelqing exercise. However, in this exercise, the thumb and forefinger are used.

To perform the exercise, the thumb and forefinger are placed on the penis, and the fingers are moved up and down. It is essential to avoid an erection during this process. If an erection occurs, it is recommended to wait a few minutes. The movement should be repeated for 20 minutes daily.

Kegel Exercise

This exercise, which increases both the length and thickness of the penis, is a type of massage. To perform the Kegel exercise, the penis should be held with one hand and gently rubbed. If an erection occurs, the exercise should be stopped.


The P-shot is primarily used for erectile dysfunction. It involves using regenerative cells obtained from the patient's blood to treat factors such as trauma or diabetes that cause erectile dysfunction. This treatment can result in stronger erections and improved sexual performance.

Shockwave Therapy

In addition to treating erectile dysfunction, shockwave therapy is also used to address issues like penile curvature, pain, and plaque formation, and it can also contribute to a slight increase in penile thickness.

Pre-Surgery Considerations for Penis Enlargement

Before penis enlargement surgery, the following points should be considered:

  • Quit smoking and alcohol at least 2 weeks before the surgery.
  • Avoid sexual activity for 7 days before the surgery.
  • Refrain from strenuous physical activities within a week before the surgery.
  • Stop consuming solid foods two days before the surgery.

Post-Surgery Considerations for Penis Enlargement

After penis enlargement surgeries, dressings are applied. These dressings should remain in place for 24 hours and be moistened before removal. To reduce the risk of infection, antiseptic solution should be applied to the surgical site as directed by the doctor, and the area should be covered with sterile dressings. Due to the possibility of reattachment of the cut ligaments during surgery, stretching exercises should be performed.

After penis enlargement, bandages should remain in place for 3-4 weeks. If fat injections were performed, regular massage should be done to prevent fat accumulation.

Recovery Process of Penis Enlargement Surgery

The recovery process after penis enlargement surgery varies depending on the patient. On average, incisions heal within 1-2 weeks. During this period, pain and swelling also decrease. It is recommended to wait 4-6 weeks before engaging in sexual activity.

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