Pubis Aesthetics

Mar 11, 2024

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What is Pubis Aesthetics?

Pubis aesthetics is a procedure performed to remove excess fat or skin sagging in the pubic area. The pubis, also known as mons pubis, is the area located between the fold line of the lower abdomen and the clitoris in women.

Excess fat or sagging skin in this area can occur due to factors such as obesity, excessive weight gain, sagging after pregnancy and childbirth, structural fat accumulation, or lifestyle habits.

When weight is gained, excess fat typically accumulates in the pubic area, causing the pubis to enlarge and swell. The skin stretches due to the excess fat and continues to stretch as more weight is gained. When a significant amount of weight is lost suddenly, the skin begins to sag. While the skin can regain its shape in younger individuals, it may become more difficult as one ages.

How is Pubis Aesthetics Performed?

Pubis aesthetics can be performed in three different ways. In pubis aesthetics, local anesthesia is usually administered to the patient, and the fat in the area is removed. If there is significant fat accumulation and excessive sagging, surgical intervention may be necessary.

Excess fat accumulation over time can cause various problems in women. Issues such as lack of self-confidence, embarrassment during sexual intercourse, and the perception of an aesthetically displeasing appearance can personally affect individuals.

When is Pubis Aesthetics Performed?

The purpose of pubis aesthetics is to reduce the excess tissue on the pubis. Aesthetic procedures may be necessary due to excess fat accumulation under the skin. Pubis aesthetics is performed in the following situations:

  • If the mons pubis, located at the top of the genital area, is protruding outward due to fat accumulation,
  • If there is fat accumulation in the pubis due to a congenital deformity,
  • In cases of excessive weight gain or obesity,
  • In cases of sagging in the mons pubis after pregnancy and childbirth,
  • In individuals who frequently gain and lose weight, sagging in the pubic area may occur after losing excess weight, and pubis aesthetics can be applied in these situations,
  • In some individuals, the mons pubis may have a protruding appearance due to a genetic structural issue.

Methods of Pubis Aesthetics

There are three methods used in pubis aesthetics. The choice of method is determined after a physical examination of the patient. In cases of excessive fat accumulation and sagging, surgical intervention may be necessary.


In the liposuction method, local anesthesia is usually applied, and the fat in the pubic area is removed with the help of a cannula. This method is generally used for individuals with excess weight.


Lipolysis is a procedure that involves the local melting of fat. The substance injected into fat cells via a lipolysis needle causes the fat in the pubic area to melt. Since lipolysis is not a surgical procedure, it is frequently preferred.


In pubis aesthetics surgery, an incision is made at the upper edge of the groin area to remove excess fat tissue. Additionally, to make the sagging area tighter, excess skin is removed, and the groin skin is pulled upward. This procedure is performed under general anesthesia, and aesthetic sutures are used to close the incision.

Surgical Methods

In pubis surgery, in addition to removing fat, the sagging pubic area is also tightened. The aesthetic appearance of the pubis and outer labia is adjusted as desired. The fat tissue under the skin is removed, and the bulge in the pubis is reduced.

Risks of Pubis Aesthetics

As with any procedure, there are risks in pubis aesthetics. Infection and bleeding are the most common and potential risks. Apart from these, there are no significant risks in correctly performed pubis aesthetics. After the procedure, the individual can return to their social and work life.

Recovery Process of Pubis Aesthetics

The recovery process in pubis aesthetics is not long, unlike other surgeries, but it is necessary to be careful during the first week, as with any surgery. It takes a few days for the individual to return to daily life. A one-day rest may be required after the procedure. It is beneficial for the patient to rest at home for a few days after being discharged.

Post-Pubis Aesthetics Care

The following points should be taken into consideration after pubis aesthetics:

  • Avoid environments that may cause infection, such as saunas, pools, and the sea, during the recovery process.
  • Use the medications prescribed by your doctor to prevent the risk of infection.
  • Mild pain may occur after the aesthetic procedure; take an appropriate pain reliever.
  • Mild bruising or swelling may occur in the pubic area after the aesthetic procedure.
  • Attend all doctor appointments without delay.

Pubis Aesthetics and Sexuality

It is generally recommended to avoid sexual intercourse for one week after pubis aesthetics. This period may vary depending on the aesthetic method used. The recommended period to avoid sexual intercourse may be longer after liposuction and surgical interventions.

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