Regional Slimming

Jun 06, 2024

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What is Regional Slimming?

Regional slimming refers to the process of eliminating excess fat in specific areas of the body and tightening sagging skin and loose tissues in those areas. These applications, which aim to shape the body, also eliminate the rough and orange peel appearance on the skin caused by the subcutaneous fat tissue.

The devices used in regional slimming applications cause slight damage to the membrane covering the fat cells using various methods. After this damage, the fat exits from the damaged cell membrane.

The results of regional slimming vary depending on the method used and the person's fat and skin structure. Therefore, some people see results in a short time, while others may need to continue sessions for a longer period to achieve the desired outcomes.

How is Regional Slimming Done?

Various techniques within regional slimming serve the same purpose. These non-invasive techniques are applied with specially developed devices. Generally, different techniques are used in these procedures, which are mainly performed using ultrasonic waves. However, the application is usually done by placing the device's probes on the problem area and applying it from the skin surface.

Who is Suitable for Regional Slimming?

Certain conditions must be present in individuals who wish to undergo regional slimming. These conditions include:

  • Having excess fat in specific areas despite being at an ideal weight or not having the desired body shape
  • Having cellulite problems
  • Not achieving the expected results from various previous applications
  • Not wanting to use surgical methods for weight loss

Which Areas are Suitable for Regional Slimming?

Different parts of the body accumulate fat in different ways. Additionally, each person's fat accumulation pattern is different. The most commonly targeted areas for regional slimming include:

  • Outer thigh fat
  • Back area
  • Upper thigh fat
  • Arms
  • Buttocks and hips
  • Waist area

Having excess fat in the abdominal area and other parts of the body poses a risk not only aesthetically but also health-wise. Excessive fat increases the pressure on organs.

Post-Procedure Care for Regional Slimming

There are some points to consider after regional slimming procedures to maintain and improve the results. These points include:


Nutrition should be reviewed during and after the procedures. A healthy and properly portioned diet is key to maintaining the results. Instead of low-calorie diets, balanced and healthy eating should be adopted.

Protein intake should be emphasized in nutrition. Both animal and plant sources should be utilized to ensure adequate protein intake, which helps preserve muscle mass and support metabolism.

Fats and carbohydrates should also be included in the diet. Besides essential nutrients, attention should be paid to vitamins and minerals. Adequate water intake is extremely important throughout the day.

Smoking and Alcohol Consumption

Smoking negatively affects blood circulation, making the results less noticeable. Additionally, alcohol consumption increases calorie intake, making weight control difficult. To ensure permanent results, alcohol and smoking should be avoided.


Regular exercise after regional slimming is crucial for maintaining results. Regular exercise helps maintain the targeted area's shape while also speeding up metabolism and increasing muscle tone. Exercising for 150 minutes a week, with moderate-intensity and strength training, is sufficient.


Adequate sleep should be ensured after the procedures. Getting enough sleep reduces stress and allows the body to rest. This helps balance metabolism. Lower stress levels help maintain hormonal balance.

Skin Care

To keep the treated area smooth, attention should be paid to skin care. Daily use of moisturizers is crucial.

Regional Slimming Methods

Many different methods are used in regional slimming procedures. Different methods yield positive results for different types of individuals or fat tissues. The regional slimming methods include:


This scientifically proven method for areas like the abdomen, waist, and chin eliminates fat by freezing it. The dead cells are expelled from the system within 1-2 months after the application. Thus, the fat tissue in the treated area is reduced by 20-40%.


Liposuction, a surgical procedure, removes excess fat through injection. A special substance is first injected to liquefy the fat cells. Then, the fat is sucked out using a thin cannula.


In the lipolysis method, which eliminates fat tissues without causing skin sagging, phosphatidylcholine derived from soy is used. In addition to this substance, some tissue rejuvenating and blood flow-increasing agents are also used.

Ultrasonic Lipolysis

The main factor in the effectiveness of this procedure, performed with a device that produces high-frequency ultrasonic waves, is the focus of the beams on a specific area. The vibrations in the focused area break down the fat cells, making the liquid fat tissue free and metabolized naturally.

Laser Lipolysis

This device uses laser beams to destroy fat cells. The laser beams emitted from the device heat and liquefy the fat cells, which are then either burned off or expelled naturally.


Cavitation, which uses sound waves similar to ultrasound, is used not only for regional slimming but also for cellulite and skin tightening. Two sessions per week are sufficient, with an average of 6-10 sessions being enough.

Zeltiq CoolSculpting Cold Lipolysis

Also known as non-surgical liposuction, this method uses cold application with a vacuum. This process allows stubborn fat cells to be expelled without any surgical procedure. The method, which damages the cell membranes of fat cells by freezing, shows its effects in an average of 2-3 months.

Smooth Shape

One of the most effective systems for cellulite treatment, Smooth Shape uses laser beams. The laser beams also break down fats. As one of the massage systems, this method can scan a larger area in one go due to its large head, increasing its effectiveness.


This method, which uses focused ultrasound waves, facilitates the breakdown of regional fats and makes them easier for the body to utilize. It is especially applied to the abdomen, hips, inner thighs, and waist. The fluid fat spreads into the cells from the cracked cell membranes due to vibrations. Then, this fat is expelled through the vascular and lymphatic systems.

G5 Massage

G5 massage is used not only for regional slimming but also for cellulite. This method, which regulates and accelerates blood circulation in the treated area, also provides solutions for spasms and edema.

Radiofrequency Therapy

This method, which uses sound waves, is one of the techniques that provide regional slimming. It is highly effective for fat tissues that cannot be reduced despite diet and exercise. This method, which breaks down resistant local fats with heat, offers an effective treatment.

Lymphatic Drainage Massage

Also known as Presso, this method stimulates the lymphatic systems of individuals, allowing the expulsion of edema and toxins from the body. This method also helps speed up the flow of white blood cells.

Body FX

This system, which uses radiofrequency energy and negative pressure vacuum, treats not only fat accumulation but also sagging skin. It effectively removes stubborn and irregular fat accumulations. This method can affect all layers of the skin, tightening it and providing a smooth appearance.

Forma Plus

Also known as focused radiofrequency technology, this system is preferred not only for regional slimming but also for tightening and cellulite. With aging, collagen reduction occurs, and this system increases collagen production, eliminating signs of aging.

Injection Lipolysis

In this method, a meso-cocktail prepared with fat-burning substances is injected. Patients do not feel any pain due to the local anesthetic cream applied before the procedure. The injected fat is melted and expelled through the circulatory system. The treatment is usually applied in 4-8 sessions, with each session lasting 30 minutes.

Cellulite Mesotherapy

In this method, special substances are injected under the skin, providing a smooth and natural appearance. It can be applied not only to cellulite areas but also to the chin, neck, and hands.


Accepted as one of the most effective methods in regional slimming treatments, this method is used especially for shaping the body's contours. This application, which aims to eliminate cellulite and provide slimming, is particularly effective on the buttocks and upper thighs. Additionally, it is effective for eliminating abdominal fat and skin laxity caused by childbirth. It is also used for the arm and neck areas. An average of 8-10 sessions is sufficient, and results can be seen immediately after each session.


This method uses radiofrequency to create heat in the application area, making the skin appear tighter and more vibrant. The method's effectiveness is increased by the use of vacuum. An average of 8-10 sessions is usually sufficient.

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