Achilles Tendon

Nov 01, 2022

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The Achilles tendon is a tendon that allows the foot to move and connects the leg and heel.

This tendon, called the Achilles tendon, is the strongest and largest tendon in the human body. The Achilles tendon has many tasks. This is the tendon that allows us to move our foot up and down, walk, stand on tiptoes, run and jump. Those interested in ballet can appreciate the value of this tendon.

Today, it is possible to hear at least the name of the Achilles tendon in many sports. For example, in soccer matches, a player’s Achilles tendon can be damaged or even ruptured by an accident. For this reason, all athletes should be careful about this issue. Because even if surgical treatment is provided after rupture of the Achilles tendon, the patient can only wear shoes after 2 months. The freedom to do many movements that are currently considered extreme, such as running, jumping, standing on tiptoes, etc., has not yet been achieved.

How is the Achilles Tendon Damaged?

As mentioned above, the Achilles tendon can be damaged, torn or even ruptured during jumping and running sports such as soccer, basketball and volleyball. However, this does not mean that the Achilles tendon will only be damaged in sports such as basketball, volleyball or soccer. The Achilles tendon can also be damaged as a result of some of the activities we do in daily life. Among these, problems such as twisting the foot, side stepping, uncontrolled stepping in a gap, ankle sprain, stumbling can also cause a tear or rupture in the Achilles tendon.

Especially people who do not use the Achilles tendon much and therefore do not develop the Achilles tendon, even in the office environment, going up on their fingertips to pick up a file or folder above can cause the Achilles tendon to rupture. Therefore, it should not be forgotten that every individual can suffer from this problem.

Problems such as Achilles tendon rupture or rupture of the Achilles tendon can occur during sports, as mentioned above. These serious accidents that occur during this sport are usually caused by carelessness. Sudden stops or sudden acceleration during sports can cause the Achilles tendon to rupture. This is because sudden stops or sudden accelerations put a lot of stress on the Achilles tendon. Every athlete should be informed and pay attention to this issue.

Apart from athletes, Achilles tendon injuries can also occur in people who perform extreme events. There are many Achilles tendon rupture videos on the internet. As we can see in the videos, these people are either playing sports or trying to do something that puts too much strain on the Achilles tendon. One of them is the man trying to push the car horizontally. This action has a negative impact on the health of the body in general, but it can also cause great damage to the Achilles tendon.

How is Achilles Tendon Injury Diagnosed?

If you suspect a ruptured Achilles tendon, you should see a doctor immediately. Sometimes what may be perceived as a simple problem, such as a sprained foot, may be a rupture or tear of the Achilles tendon. The correct diagnosis can only be made by a doctor who is knowledgeable about the subject. The doctor may ask you to run or walk during the examination to make the correct diagnosis. Observes the situation during this process. During the same examination, he may ask you to make movements that will cause your calf area to contract. This will show to what extent the Achilles tendon has been damaged or ruptured. If this does not help, the doctor may resort to observation methods. This is the most accurate method.

Achilles Tendon Treatment Methods

Conservative Treatment

The goal of conservative treatment is to achieve pain relief and a rapid return to daily activities as soon as possible. These include cold application, painkillers and walking with the help of crutches. During this time, the joints and Achilles tendon are strengthened. With rehabilitation, returning to daily activities is considerably faster. These treatments aim to restore the patient’s former health within 4-6 months.

Surgical Intervention

Surgical intervention is mostly aimed at shortening the healing process. Professional athletes, people with an active daily life and young people usually resort to surgery. The surgical method minimizes the healing process. Because rehabilitation is also performed after the surgical method and a return to normal life is ensured as soon as possible.

Achilles Tendon Surgery

Achilles tendon repair surgery is usually recommended for Achilles tendon rupture or rupture in young and middle-aged people. This Achilles tendon surgery should also be performed within the first four weeks after the tendon is damaged. In this process, the surgeon sews the two severed ends of the Achilles tendon at the back of the ankle together. After this suturing, if the doctor deems it necessary, additional strengthening actions can be performed. After the operation, the foot should be placed in a plaster cast including the Achilles tendon in order to prevent the Achilles tendon from taking the load and rupturing the stitches. In this way, the area is stabilized without difficulty.

Whether the treatment is surgical or any other method, physical therapy should be used afterwards. In order for Achilles tendon treatment to be fully realized and effective, physical therapy should be activated as the most natural method.

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