
Mar 28, 2022

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Ginseng, which is frequently used in traditional Chinese medicine, is a plant that has been extensively researched by modern medicine. With the development of the pharmaceutical industry day by day, ginseng, which has many benefits in the body, has become forms that can be easily used in daily life.

Ginseng is a short and fringed plant. The slow-growing plant is a subspecies of the genus Panax. Different types of ginseng are named according to the regions where they are grown and each subspecies has different benefits. The subspecies are American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) and Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng).

Types of Ginseng

Ginseng is known by different names according to the regions where it grows. The different types also affect the ingredients. Therefore, the areas in which they are effective vary.

Korean Ginseng

Korean ginseng, also known as red ginseng, is a type of ginseng grown in the Korean region. Korean ginseng, which is extremely rich in active ingredients, therefore contains many benefits. It is also the most mature ginseng variety because it is harvested the latest. It takes at least 6 years to harvest red ginseng, which is known as the most useful species.

White Ginseng

It is a type of ginseng that is harvested between 4 and 6 years.

American Ginseng

Originating from Canada and Ontario, American ginseng grows in the high latitudes of the Americas. It is also grown commercially in China.

Siberian Ginseng

The most important feature of Russian ginseng, which grows both in Russia and Japan, is the absence of ginsenoside. Because of this feature, it is not considered a member of the ginseng family, although it has similar benefits to ginseng.

Chinese Ginseng

American ginseng is a variety that is not produced commercially. Since this genus has the same origin as Korean ginseng, it also has the same properties.

Benefits of Ginseng

Ginseng has different effects depending on the active ingredients in it. Although it is used in many different fields in Chinese medicine, studies in modern medicine are more limited. As a result of these researches, the defined benefits of ginseng are as follows.

Antioxidant Effect

The most important and well-known property of the ginseng plant is antioxidant. Ginseng, which is extremely rich in antioxidants, ensures that reactive oxygen radicals and oxidant substances that occur as a result of the body’s natural process are removed from the body.

If these substances, which occur in the energy production processes of the cells in the body, accumulate in the body, they cause health problems such as cancer, especially cancer, infectious diseases, arteriosclerosis and inflammation.

For this reason, consuming foods rich in antioxidants helps to control oxidants in the body. In this way, it helps protect against diseases.


Due to the substances contained in Asian ginseng, it accelerates the metabolism of cells. It provides vitality and energy in accelerated metabolism. Due to this feature, it provides relief from the weakness that is usually felt after illness.

If ginseng is consumed regularly, it reduces chronic fatigue complaints. This not only makes people more energized both mentally and physically, but also significantly reduces fatigue.

Improves Brain Functions

It increases cognitive abilities and memory, especially according to research on middle-aged and healthy individuals. Especially in research on Alzheimer’s patients, it helps to reduce the stress and anxiety levels of patients.

Elimination of Erectile Dysfunction

One of the most research on ginseng is effective in eliminating erectile dysfunction in men. The substances contained in ginseng increase the amount of nitric oxide molecule that reduces the oxidation rate in the penile tissue and vascular walls, allowing the vessels to expand. This molecule also facilitates hardening. Studies have proven that men who use Korean ginseng improve by 60%.

Supports the Immune System

The substances contained in ginseng stimulate the immune system and fight both cancer and infection more effectively. American ginseng must be used for this effect to be seen.

Regulation of Blood Sugar

Fermented red ginseng is effective in regulating blood sugar. Thanks to the substances it contains, it strengthens the effect of insulin hormone. In diabetic patients, the antioxidant properties of ginseng ensure the protection of insulin cells.

Concentration Support

Ginseng used as a food supplement has the properties of increasing concentration and supporting memory. In particular, research on the combination of ginkgo biloba and ginseng has shown that it can be used as a supplement in the treatment of dementia patients.

Can be Used as a Support for Cancer Treatment

Supplements used to support cancer treatments are characterized by their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Since ginseng contains these active ingredients, it can be used as a supplement in cancer treatments. It also prevents the production and growth of abnormal cells.

It is one of the food supplements used in cancer treatments in order to protect patients receiving chemotherapy from the side effects of chemotherapy and to reduce these effects.

Skin Health

The effects of photoaging caused by prolonged exposure to the harmful rays of the sun can also be reduced with ginseng. This happens because skin cells are damaged and oxidant substances are released. The substances in ginseng help to remove these oxidant substances from the body.

In addition, ginseng also has anti-aging properties. The substances in ginseng also help to maintain the integrity of the skin tissue.

Hair Health

One of the areas where ginseng is most effective is hair health. Ginseng, which is effective in preventing hair loss and growing in a healthy way, realizes this effect by increasing the cells in the scalp. In this way, it also strengthens the hair follicles.

How to Use Ginseng?

The most common use of ginseng, which can be added in different ways in the daily diet, is consumed as tea. Instead of ginseng tea, which is prepared by brewing thin slices of ginseng in hot water, it can be used raw or lightly in water. You can also consume it by boiling.

Another use of ginseng is as a food supplement. Food supplements derived from plant extracts can be in tablet, powder, capsule or oil form. Consume ginseng raw Those who prefer it should not exceed 1 to 2 grams daily. If used as a food supplement, it should be limited to 300-400 mg daily. If more ginseng is consumed than the daily intake, the most common side effects are nervousness and difficulty sleeping.

Powdered Ginseng

It is the dried and powdered form of ginseng to have a long shelf life. In this form, it is used both alone and in beverages. It is recommended to consume 200- 400 mg daily.

Capsule Ginseng

Since ginseng in both capsule and tablet form contains different amounts of ginseng, it is necessary to look at the content information.

Ginseng Tea

Ginseng tea obtained by brewing ginseng is a frequently preferred method of use due to the faster activation of the substances in its content. Because of this feature, both ginseng tea and herbal teas containing ginseng should be limited to 2 cups a day.

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