
Feb 20, 2024

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What is vaginoplasty?

Vaginoplasty can be performed for many medical reasons, especially vaginal injuries and congenital abnormalities. This procedure, which is usually applied to repair the vagina, can also be applied in sex reassignment surgeries.

Vagina is a term used to refer to all the reproductive parts of people who are assigned female at birth. In society, however, the vagina is considered to be the part of the reproductive organ that is seen from the outside. This part is called the vulva. The vagina is a more complex structure that includes the vulva.

For which conditions is vaginoplasty suitable?

Vaginoplasty is preferred for cosmetic reasons as well as functional reasons. Functional causes include problems such as sexual intercourse and urinary incontinence.

Cosmic causes include conditions such as shape anomalies. There are many different reasons for deciding on vaginoplasty. Some of these reasons are.

Vaginal delivery

Vaginal delivery causes the muscles to tense and relax. Adding the effects of aging to this situation causes the vagina to lose its tightness. In addition to causing unpleasant symptoms, this can also affect sexual function.

Medical conditions

Radiation used in the treatment of vaginal cancers can cause vaginal deformation. Vaginal reconstruction may be needed after this treatment. If the vagina is completely removed during cancer treatment, it can be reshaped.

Congenital conditions

Some conditions present at birth can affect the appearance of the vagina. These include being born without a vagina or having an underdeveloped vagina.

Gender change

Another reason for vaginoplasty is gender change. In addition, Vaginoplasty can also be applied in hip aesthetic operations.

Vaginoplasty surgery

The methods used in vaginoplasty surgeries vary depending on the purpose. However, all methods are performed under general anesthesia. The duration of the surgery can last up to 10 hours depending on the purpose.

Vaginoplasty surgery methods

The methods to be used in vaginoplasty surgeries include the following.

In Vaginoplasty surgeries for the treatment of muscle laxity or injuries, the procedure includes the following.

  • Removal of excess or sagging tissue
  • Use of sutures to fix loose tissue in the vaginal canal
  • Reducing the size of the vaginal opening by retracting excess tissue

The procedural steps to repair congenital abnormalities include

  • Creating a functional vagina
  • Removal of congenital excess or abnormal structures
  • Prevention of blood pooling during menstruation

Vaginoplasty procedures performed during sex reassignment include the following:

In sex reassignment surgery, penile tissue is removed and reconstructed. Tissues from the scrotum of the penis are used to reconstruct the vagina. The outer skin of the penis is then reshaped and inverted. In this way, it can be inserted into the space created to form the vagina.

Before vaginoplasty

Before vaginoplasty operations, some tests should be performed to prepare for the surgery. These tests include the following.

  • First of all, a physical examination to assess whether the patient is healthy enough for surgery

  • Giving necessary information about the risks and benefits of surgery and postoperative care

  • Providing recommendations to reduce factors that may increase complications that may occur during surgery, such as smoking cessation

  • Review of preoperative requirements before sex reassignment operations

After vaginoplasty

Depending on the purpose of vaginoplasty surgeries, the discharge time of patients can be up to 5 days. Painkillers may be prescribed to relieve pain after surgery and antibiotics may be prescribed to prevent infection. Among the expected conditions after surgery are the following:

  • Mild bleeding that may occur in the first 48 hours after surgery

  • Swelling and bruising in the genital area (it may take a few weeks for the swelling in this area to subside)

  • The swelling seen after sex reassignment operations can cause urine spraying or dripping.

  • Itching and numbness as nerve endings begin to heal

  • A scar that heals over time

  • Use of catheters to assist urine output

Benefits of vaginoplasty surgery

The main benefits to be seen after vaginoplasty surgery are sexual satisfaction and increased self-confidence. For this reason, patients have a better quality of life after surgery.

Complications of vaginoplasty surgery

Complications that can be seen in vaginoplasty surgeries may vary depending on the purpose of the surgery. Complications that can be seen after Vaginoplasty surgeries performed to correct injuries and congenital problems include the following.

  • Painful intercourse
  • Bleeding
  • Numbness
  • Loss of sensation
  • Infection

Among the risks that can be seen after sex reassignment surgery are the following.

  • Infection
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Vaginal stenosis
  • Short vagina
  • Abnormal connection between the vagina and the urethra
  • Abnormal connection between the vagina and rectum
  • Nerve injury

The healing process of vaginoplasty

Recovery after vaginoplasty surgery varies from a few weeks to months. Postoperative care varies according to the method of surgery.

Therefore, it must be performed in accordance with the surgeon's care instructions. Some patients may need to use a dilator after surgery. In this way, it is possible to maintain the depth and width of the vaginal canal.

What should people who have vaginoplasty pay attention to?

Among the things to be considered after vaginoplasty operation are the following;

  • Standing shower is allowed.

  • During the cleaning of the genital area, it is necessary to move from front to back.

  • Sexual intercourse should be avoided for at least 4 weeks after surgery.

  • Heavy exercise should be avoided for 4 weeks after surgery.

Vaginoplasty and sex life

The effects of vaginoplasty surgeries on sexual life include the following.

  • Vaginoplasty surgeries increase the self-confidence of patients as well as increase vaginal sensitivity. This helps patients to get more pleasure during sexual intercourse.

  • By narrowing the vaginal canal with vaginoplasty, it is possible to eliminate conditions such as air trapping and unwanted noise during sexual intercourse.
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