Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Mar 28, 2022

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What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

The disease we call carpal tunnel syndrome puts pressure on the median nerve. At the same time, the area we call carpal tunnel is called the part of the palm of our hand. This part is quite narrow and covered with bones. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a syndrome that causes numbness and tingling in our hands and arms when the nerve we call the median nerve presses on our nerves in the area we call the carpal tunnel.

Causes of carpal tunnel syndrome

This syndrome occurs because of the pressure on the nerve at the time of Mehdi. And all our fingers, except the little finger, are sensed by the palm of our hand. And carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by any condition that compresses the median nerve. And there is not just one reason why this happens. Different causes can lead to this syndrome. Although it may be due to compression or irritation of the nerve here, anatomical causes also trigger this syndrome. A fracture or dislocation of the wrist can also cause this syndrome. It can also be caused by arthritis in the small bones in our hands. If you have a small carpal tunnel in your hand, you are more likely to develop the syndrome. Obesity also plays a major role in the development of carpal tunnel syndrome. However, a change in the fluid ratio in the human body also causes this syndrome. Irritation of the medial nerve in the carpal tunnel area is caused by excessive fluid retention in the body.

How to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome?

A method to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome has not yet been found. However, minimizing the tension in your hands and wrists prevents this syndrome from occurring. Since too much use of the hands triggers this syndrome, people who work with computers should work more calmly and with movements that do not tire the hand while using the keyboard. Writing for too long also triggers this syndrome. Therefore, it is necessary to perform the construction process with certain intervals while writing. In jobs that involve the use of the hands, resting the hands in certain periods instead of doing a continuous job usually prevents carpal tunnel syndrome. It is also harmful to bend the hands up and down too much, so this should also be taken into consideration. Hands and arms should be kept warm as too cold hands and arms trigger more carpal tunnel syndrome. Otherwise, cold environments will cause the hands and arms to stiffen, which leads to carpal tunnel syndrome.

Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome

Generally, the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome develop more slowly. First of all, if the terani we are talking about is terani, numbness begins with a tingling sensation in the person’s fingers. Then, in this syndrome, all fingers except the little finger are affected and feel this sensation. Some people experience a sensation like an electric shock, as if there is electricity in the fingers. In some people, these sensations extend to the arms. People with this syndrome usually notice the symptoms when they are holding objects such as books or phones in their hands. At the same time, the symptoms of this syndrome are more common at night. At times it can be so severe that it can even wake you up from sleep.

Diagnostic methods for carpal tunnel syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is diagnosed with a physical examination by the doctor. The degree of sensation in the person’s fingers is measured by physical examination. At the same time, twisting the ankle triggers symptoms in many cases, as does touching the nerves. When diagnosing carpal tunnel syndrome, the electromyography test is also performed by measuring electrical discharges in the muscles in the hand.

Carpal tunnel syndrome treatment methods

The treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome starts with people with symptoms consulting a doctor and having the witness carved. People with this syndrome can be treated without the need for surgical intervention if diagnosed early. In the early stages of this syndrome, it can be overcome in a mild way with the precautions to be taken by the person. At the same time, plenty of rest for the hands and cold ice compresses are among the most effective methods. People with advanced stages of the disease usually undergo surgical interventions along with bracelets and medications. People with this syndrome are usually treated with a wristband if they show symptoms in less than 10 months. The use of the wristband is usually to minimize the numbness and tingling that can occur when the hand is kept still at night. At the same time, medication for this syndrome should never be used without the doctor’s knowledge. In extremely advanced cases, the desired open surgical method is applied. When performing the surgical method, the surgeon makes an incision in the palm of the person’s hand and releases the nerve there.

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Conditions that trigger carpal tunnel syndrome

There are many triggers for this syndrome to occur. It is especially likely to occur in people with a narrow wrist structure. However, it is more common in people with obesity and alcohol abuse than in normal situations. However, in people with diabetes, it is more common in eagle tunnel syndrome, which triggers even more in situations that put pressure on my daughter. Any fractures or cracks in the hands and wrists can trigger carpal tunnel syndrome. Too much use of the hand during the day and Too much work with the computer also triggers this syndrome.

Delaying carpal tunnel treatment

In order for carpal tunnel treatment to be successful, the treatment of this disease must be used clearly. If treatment is not started after diagnosis and is delayed, severe nerve damage can occur. This can lead to more permanent injuries.

Home care for carpal tunnel treatment

In order to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome from occurring or when the syndrome has just started to appear, some home remedies can be used to alleviate the symptoms of the disease. At the same time, some alternative treatment methods can be applied to strengthen the upper body. Some yoga poses are also very useful for alleviating the pain associated with this syndrome. According to research, some physical hand therapies are also seen to reduce the symptoms or side effects of eagle tunnel syndrome. The use of ultrasound at a fairly high intensity at the site of the symptom also appears to reduce pain.

Precautions against carpal tunnel syndrome

There are many treatments and measures to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome from occurring or to overcome it. adherence to these aims to alleviate the symptoms and make the syndrome less damaging. People who work with their hands all the time are less likely to experience this syndrome, especially when they work with correct posture and rest. However, since excessive weight gain also triggers this syndrome, weight control should be ensured. In case of any situation that may put pressure on the nerves in the carpal tunnel area, precautions should be taken and a doctor should be consulted. Paying attention to such points can lead to a fairly rapid recovery or to the absence of the syndrome altogether.

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