Heart Failure

Approved Doctor(s) ; Mandeep Bhargava , Ajay Bhargava • Jul 07, 2022

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Heart failure causes many problems in the body, especially in fulfilling the basic functions of the body, as it causes insufficient blood pumping to the body. If left untreated, it can be life-threatening.

What is Heart Failure?

It is possible to define it as the inability of the heart to pump the blood the body needs as a result of damage to the heart for different reasons. The most common cause of heart failure is damage to the heart muscle, especially from a heart attack. In addition, long-term hypertension, congenital heart muscle diseases and valvular heart diseases can also cause heart failure..

Heart failure, which is a chronic disease, is also a progressive disease. On the other hand, medication can be used to control the disease and strengthen the heart muscle.

Symptoms of Heart Failure

The first symptom of heart failure is shortness of breath, especially when patients are active. Patients may experience shortness of breath even with the most mundane tasks. Some patients also experience sudden shortness of breath a few hours after falling asleep. These patients are also unable to lie on their backs.

Another symptom of heart failure is edema, especially in the lower body and feet.

Finally, heart failure also causes patients to feel tired and weak.

How is Heart Failure Diagnosed?

Patients with symptoms of heart failure should first have a medical history. A physical examination is then followed by a series of tests to investigate heart function. 

The most effective method used in the diagnosis of heart failure is echocardiography. This test uses sound waves to obtain a detailed image of the heart. This allows structural defects and damage to the heart to be visualized.

The physical examination includes examining the areas of edema, listening to the heart rhythm and examining the swelling of the neck veins.

On the other hand, since the symptoms of heart failure are similar to those of some lung and heart diseases, patients are also subjected to detailed tests.

Heart Failure Treatment

Since heart failure is a chronic disease, it requires lifelong treatment. Thanks to regular treatment, a significant proportion of patients can lead a normal life.

Heart failure treatment not only reduces the hospitalization rate of patients, but also prevents sudden deaths.

Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors

In the drug treatment of heart failure, patients are given drugs in different groups. One of these is the ACE group of drugs. These medicines strengthen the heart muscle, enabling the heart to better pump blood around the body. These drugs, which are a type of blood pressure medication, are given especially to patients with weak heart muscle.

Angiotensin Receptor Blockers (ARP)

ARP group drugs, which belong to the group of blood pressure lowering drugs, are similar to the ACEI group. It is generally used in patients who have side effects as a result of using the ACEI drug group.

Beta Brokers

Beta-blockers, which are effective in preventing heart rhythm disorders that result in sudden death, also allow the heart to expand by reducing the heart rate. In this way, the heart and heart muscles are more nourished, strengthening the heart muscles. Because of this feature, it is used in the treatment of heart failure symptoms.


This group of drugs, also known as diuretics, ensures that the edema caused by heart failure is eliminated through the kidneys. Removing edema from the body helps to reduce shortness of breath.

Regular potassium and sodium examinations should be performed during the use of diuretics, which are the most effective drug group in alleviating the symptoms of the disease.


Digoxin, which increases the contractile strength of the heart muscle, also slows down the heart rate. It is generally used in patients whose heart failure is accompanied by cardiac arrhythmia.

In addition to the above-mentioned drug groups, cholesterol-lowering drugs and blood thinners can also be added to the treatment. Although the use of a large number of medications is challenging, the meticulous use of medications is extremely important for the success of the treatment.

Despite regular medication, hospitalizations may also occur during the course of the disease. In this case, patients receive oxygen therapy and intensive intravenous medication.

Surgical Treatments and Medical Support Devices

Surgical methods are also used in the treatment of some patients. Surgical methods used in heart failure include the following.

Aortocoronary Bypass Grafting

If heart failure develops due to severe cardiovascular disease, coronary bypass surgery is performed to deliver oxygen to the heart muscle.

Cover Replacement or Repair

In cases where heart failure develops due to heart valve disease, surgery is performed to replace or repair the heart valve. If heart valve problems are diagnosed in time, it is possible to intervene before heart failure develops.

In heart valve replacement, the diseased valve is replaced with a mechanical or bioprosthetic valve by microsurgery is being replaced.

Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators (ICD)

ICD, one of the methods used in heart rhythm disorders, regulates the heart rhythm by sending an electric shock to the heart in life-threatening heart rhythm disorders. If there is an excessive slowing of the heart rhythm of the patients, then it also has the ability to increase the heart rhythm.

Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) or Dual Chamber Pacemaker

Heart failure patients often have problems with the electrical system that cause further deterioration of the heart muscle. A pacemaker is used to treat this condition. This allows the heart chambers to work in a coordinated way.

Heart Pump

A heart pump is a device placed in the abdominal and chest cavity to support a weakened heart. It is especially applied to patients with left ventricular failure. The purpose of the heart pump is to keep the patient alive until a heart transplant can be performed.

Heart Transplant

In advanced heart failure, both drug and surgical treatment methods are inadequate. In these cases, a heart transplant is necessary.

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