Raul Rosenthal

Dr. Raul Rosenthal, MD

About the Doctor

Dr. Raul Rosenthal is based at the Bariatric and Metabolic Institute at Weston Hospital. In addition to his duties in Obesity and Metabolic Surgery and General Surgery, he also serves as the department and regional head of the Institute of Digestive Diseases and Surgery.

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In addition to his surgical interventions, Dr. Raul Rosenthal is a prolific writer, educator, and medical researcher. In 2018, Dr. Rosenthal received the LEAD Award from the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) Foundation for his lifelong contributions to the field of bariatric surgery. In the same year, Dr. Raul Rosenthal was able to participate in the American College of Surgeons Annual Clinical Congress for his groundbreaking research on the use of indocyanine green fluorescence imaging in laparoscopic cholecystectomy. As a result of Dr. Raul Rosenthal's extensive work on this topic, the use of lorescent imaging has become the gold standard of care for minimally invasive gallbladder removal and other abdominal procedures worldwide.



Graduated School

University of Medicine of Rosario

Specialization School

Frequently Asked Questions

  • In which specialty does Dr. Raul Rosenthal work?

    He works in the general surgery department.

  • At which hospital does Raul Rosenthal work?

    Dr. Raul works at Weston Hospital - Cleveland Clinic Florida.

  • What diseases is Dr. Raul interested in?

    Dr. Raul specializes in diseases and treatments such as abdominal surgery, gastric bypass surgery, diverticulectomy, gastric sleeve and achalasia, gastric cancer, abdominal pain, gallbladder disease, abdominal hernia.

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