Afsaneh Alavi

Dr. / MD. Afsaneh Alavi, MD

About the Doctor

Dr. Afsaneh Alavi's pursuit of medical excellence took a pivotal turn with her advanced specialization in Wound Healing, complemented by a Master of Science in Community Health focusing on Wound Healing and Preventative Care from the University of Toronto. This specialized training has fortified her approach to treating complex dermatological conditions.

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Elevating her practice through continuous learning, Dr. Alavi's academic achievements are mirrored in her practical endeavors, notably in her innovative treatment strategies for chronic wounds. As an educator and researcher, she extends her knowledge through active participation in the global dermatological community, shaping the future of dermatology with her forward-thinking research and compassionate patient care.



Graduated School

Kerman University of Medical Sciences

Specialization School

Frequently Asked Questions

  • In which specialty does Dr. Afsaneh Alavi work?

    She works in the dermatology department.

  • At which hospital does Afsaneh Alavi work?

    Dr. Afsaneh works at - Mayo Clinic Rochester.

  • What diseases is Dr. Afsaneh in?

    Dr. Afsaneh specializes in diseases and treatments such as management of neutrophilic inflammatory disorders and skin manifestation of gastrointestinal disorders.

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