
Mar 15, 2022

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Pharyngitis is one of the most common diseases. It is a disease that is usually encountered quite frequently in the winter months and causes discomfort such as fever and weakness. The cause of pharyngitis is irritation of the throat and pharynx. It is divided into two parts: acute and chronic. Acute pharyngitis causes a burning sensation and pain in the throat. Acute pharyngitis also gives the patient a fever. At the same time, people with acute pharyngitis have redness in their throats and have difficulty ending well. If it is not chronic pharyngitis, it usually causes dry cough and a feeling of catching in the throat. Chronic pharyngitis is usually caused by reflux and nasal diseases. At the same time, the lifestyle of the person also affects the occurrence of pharyngitis.

Causes Of Pharyngitis

When we look at the causes of pharyngitis, irritation of the throat usually causes this condition to occur and last longer. At the same time, it often causes irritation of the throat and chronic pharyngitis as a result of mouth breathing in people with nasal bone disease. Among the causes of pharyngitis, pharyngitis is especially caused by doing professions that require a lot of talking. In addition, not consuming enough fluids is also among the causes of decision violence. Consuming very hot or very cold food can also cause pharyngitis. Smoking also causes pharyngitis because it makes an irritating offer to the throat. However, consuming very hot spices is also among the causes of pharyngitis. Some allergies and allergic reactions such as hay fever can also cause pharyngitis. Pharyngitis is also quite common in people with reflux problems.

Symptoms Of Pharyngitis

Pharyngitis is a disease that is usually caused by both honest and bacterial agents. There are certain symptoms and signs of pharyngitis. The first of these symptoms is a sore throat. Fever and fatigue are among the symptoms of pharyngitis after the person has a sore throat. At the same time, people with pharyngitis have difficulty swallowing and experience pain in the throat when swallowing. Chronic pharyngitis is characterized by a milder sore throat than acute pharyngitis. The appearance of a stuck throat is also a symptom of pharyngitis.

Diagnostic Methods Of Pharyngitis

A burning sensation in the throat and a sore throat alone do not mean that pharyngitis is present. In addition, the presence of several other findings can only help to diagnose pharyngitis. Chronic and acute pharyngitis often have in common a sore throat, difficulty swallowing Symptoms such as fever and accompanying malaise are observed. Before how to diagnose pharyngitis, findings such as the daily living conditions of the patient and how much time he consumes are taken into consideration. After this, the type and diagnosis of pharyngitis is made precisely with the physical examination that the doctor will do. In some cases, a blood test is also performed to diagnose pharyngitis. In addition to the blood test, in some cases a chest x-ray and throat swab test are also performed. The type of pharyngitis and the bacteria causing it are determined from a swab taken from the throat and antibiotics are chosen accordingly.

Pharyngitis Treatment

In the treatment of pharyngitis, it is usually started with the symptoms of the disease and test results. If there is an intermediate arthritis caused by bacteria, treatment is usually started with nasal spray and antibiotics. In some cases, the doctor will also prescribe lozenges and painkillers for the patient. Doctors usually advise people with pharyngitis to drink plenty of water. Although it may seem like a very simple disease, it is actually one of the diseases that must be treated in order for our body to function in a healthy way. In this way it is necessary to follow the doctor’s treatment and recommendations in the treatment of pharyngitis. At the same time, smoking, alcohol and chemical substances should be avoided during this period.

How Does Pharyngitis Go Away?

Pharyngitis diseases, which are generally caused by viruses, can alleviate the symptoms experienced with some applications. However, there are some applications that are good for pharyngitis. These are consuming plenty of fluids and reducing throat irritation with hot soups with broth. At the same time, gargling with salt water is also very good as it kills the infections here. At the same time, adequate humidification of the room is also very important for pharyngitis patients.

Conditions That Trigger Pharyngitis

Viruses are one of the most triggering situations at work. But in addition to this, many microorganisms, including bacteria, trigger the disease. The risk of pharyngitis is particularly high in people who have had measles. However, pharyngitis is also common in people with chickenpox. In the same time, moles appear in love in people who have a childhood disease and have an excessive cough. The rarer so-called kissing disease also triggers pharyngitis. At the same time, people who have frequent colds and flu are at high risk of developing pharyngitis. And these diseases pharyngitis it triggers quite a lot.

Pharyngitis In Children

Pharyngitis in children is undoubtedly the winter months when you most often get sick with this disease. Since it is a contagious disease during the winter months, it is highly prevalent in school-age children. Children bedridden is most common between the ages of 2 and 12. In children of this age, it usually occurs with symptoms such as sore throat, fever and weakness.

What Is Good For Pharyngitis?

In addition to the doctor’s treatments, symptoms can also be alleviated with methods you can apply at home. It is also very good for girls to consume a lot and enough water at home, as well as gargling with salt water. Since it reduces the effect of the immune system to be strong, consuming foods that will strengthen the immune system is good for pharyngitis. Herbal teas and soups are also very effective, provided that they are not too hot. During the disease process, it is especially necessary to pay close attention to the temperature of the liquids consumed. It should not be too hot or too cold. Instead, more suitable foods should be preferred. The environment of people suffering from pharyngitis is also very important and must be dry. The botola needs to be humidified and ventilated frequently. Some devices can measure the humidity of the room. People who experience allergies, which is one of the conditions that trigger the occurrence of pharyngitis, should also be careful about what they are allergic to. Since it is a contagious disease, people with pharyngitis should generally not go out too much with this disease and should not infect other people with mental illness.

Precautions That Patients With Pharyngitis Should Take

Since pharyngitis is a very sensitive disease, when some points are paid attention to and precautions are taken, rapid recovery is seen. It is necessary to consume especially very cold or very hot foods that have got in the throat. It will be seen that when attention is paid to the temperature of the food during the disease process, it will be seen that it is recovered quickly. At the same time, people with pharyngitis should pay close attention to the consumption of fluids during this period and should be consumed abundantly. Since meat broth is also very good for pharyngitis, soups with meat broth should be consumed. One of the precautions that people with pharyngitis should take is to avoid smoking or smoking environments. Smoke often triggers pharyngitis in these environments because it causes irritation. Very dirty and dusty environments should also be avoided.

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