About the Doctor

Mr. Matthew Gee's medical journey is marked by a dedication to orthopaedics, specializing in the intricate management of pelvic, hip, and knee issues. His academic endeavors, rooted in King's College London, culminated in an FRCS accreditation in 2011, solidifying his expertise in surgical excellence. His knowledge is enhanced by fellowship training in both Australia and The Royal London Hospital, emphasizing his proficiency in primary and revision joint replacement surgeries.

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As a Consultant Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgeon appointed at King’s College Hospital in 2015, Mr. Gee leads orthopaedic services with a focus on trauma and clinical best practices. Beyond his professional commitments, he is an active member of the General Medical Council and the British Medical Association, reflecting his integral role in the medical community. Balancing his career, he enjoys life in South East London with his family, where he also nurtured his early education.



Graduated School

King's College London

Specialization School

Frequently Asked Questions

  • In which specialty does Dr. Matthew Gee work?

    He works in the orthopedics department.

  • At which hospital does Matthew Gee work?

    Dr. Matthew works at - The Blackheath Hospital.

  • What diseases is Dr. Matthew in?

    Dr. Matthew specializes in diseases and treatments such as ACL reconstruction surgery, anterior knee pain, buttock pain and joint pain, plica syndrome.

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