What are ear, nose and throat diseases?
Although otolaryngology may seem to deal with a limited area, it is a field of medicine that deals with sensory organs such as hearing, taste, balance and smell, as well as disorders in swallowing, speech, voice and respiratory functions, facial and neck deformities and deformities caused by tumors. In short, Kulu otolaryngology specialists are authorized in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases affecting the head, throat, nose, ear and neck region.
Otolaryngology diseases are basically divided into general and pediatric diseases. Diagnosis and treatments performed in the field of general otolaryngology are applied to patients over the age of 18. Pediatric otolaryngology includes the diagnosis and treatment of otolaryngology diseases in infants and children.
What are the conditions related to ear, nose and throat diseases?
The conditions that ear, nose and throat diseases are concerned with are basically divided into three. The first of these areas is ear diseases. Ear diseases include aesthetic disorders, middle ear infections, facial paralysis, temporary or permanent hearing loss. Patients who apply to the otolaryngology specialist with various symptoms are diagnosed and treated after a detailed examination.
The second area of ear, nose and throat diseases is nose-centered complaints. This field deals with complaints such as nasal congestion, loss of smell, nasal inflammations, deformities and nosebleeds. In some cases, other disciplines are consulted in order to apply the correct treatment. The first detection of benign or malignant tumors in the nasal area is also performed by otolaryngologists.
The last of the treatment areas of the otorhinolaryngology unit is throat diseases. The Bosphorus is an area where many different structures coexist. For this reason, they undertake the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases such as sleep apnea, nodules, jaw and throat pain, snoring, polyps in the vocal cords, dry throat, and esophageal diseases.
What are the diseases that otolaryngologists deal with?
Nose and throat doctors deal with many different diseases. Ear, nose and throat diseases can have serious consequences if not treated in time. As we have mentioned before, ear, nose and throat diseases are divided into 3 different areas as a guarantee. Among the most common diseases in these areas are the following.
Ear diseases
Among the diseases that fall under the long jurisdiction of nose and throat diseases and are related to the ear are the following.
- Sudden hearing loss
- Facial paralysis
- Age-related hearing loss
- Tinnitus
- Middle ear inflammation
- Vertigo
- External ear infection
- Otosclerosis
- Ear wax
- Meniere's disease
Nose diseases
Among the nasal diseases that otolaryngology specialists are interested in are the following.
- Adenoid surgery
- Tonsil surgery
- Sinusitis
- Colds
- Grip
- Olfactory disorders
- Nasal polyps
- Nasal bone fracture
- Nasal bone curvature
- Nosebleeds
- Allergic rhinitis
Throat diseases
Among the diseases seen in the throat area that concern the otolaryngology department are the following.
- Reflux
- Tongue tie
- Vocal cord disorders
- Pharyngitis
- Laryngitis
- Tonsils and adenoids
- Thyroid
- Bad breath
- Laryngeal reflux
- Sleep apnea
- Intraoral lesion
- Snoring
In addition to these basic diseases, otolaryngologists also serve their patients in the following areas.
Otology and Neurotology Diseases
Otology and Neurotology diseases include diseases involving the ear and brain. The most common of these diseases are listed below:
- Ear tumors and all disorders related to the external auditory canal affect the brain as well as the ear.
- Middle ear diseases such as middle ear fluid accumulation, acute and chronic inflammation, calcification in the middle ear and inner ear connection and cholesteatoma surgery are among the otology and neurootology disorders.
- Diseases such as vestibular neurinitis and labyrinthitis, which are among the inner ear diseases, are among the diseases that affect both the ear and the brain. In addition to these, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo and Meniere's disease are also among the diseases seen in the inner ear and back.
Rhinology and allergy diseases
Allergy diseases, which are becoming more common today, are also dealt with by otolaryngology specialists. The following methods are used to treat diseases in the field of rhinology and allergy.
- Treatment of nasal bone curvatures
- Treatment of nasal cancers and polyps
- Treatment of seasonal or chronic allergic nasal objects
- Solution of nasal flesh problems
- Acute and chronic irritable treatments
Stomatology and oropharyngeal diseases
Stomatology and diseases of the oropharynx include
- Tumoral, cystic and first course disorders in the mouth
- Inflammations seen in the adenoid father tonsils
- Factors that cause snoring and treatment of these factors
Laryngology problems
Laryngology problems are related to the vocal cords. Inflammation in or around the vocal cords is known as laryngitis. In addition, laryngeal cancer and nodules on the vocal cords are also among laryngology problems. In addition, otolaryngologists are authorized in the treatment of speech disorders.
Head and neck surgery
Among the diseases that otolaryngology specialists are interested in within the scope of Başbuğ neck surgery are the following.
- Treatment of cancer in the head region
- Treatment of inflammatory diseases of the salivary glands
- Treatment of congenital and cervical masses
- Tumoral swellings
- Treatment of airway problems
- Thyroid gland surgery
- Tonsil and adenoid diseases
- Treatment of masses characterized by swelling in the neck
- Treatment of thyroglossal masses
Maxillofacial and facial plastic surgery
Maxillofacial and facial plastic surgery applications include the following.
- Treatment of disorders of the jaw and facial bones
- Prominent ear operations
- Rhinoplasty
- Surgical treatment of fractures occurring in the lower and upper years
In which cases should the otolaryngology department be consulted?
This is applied to the department of throat diseases for many different diseases. The most common symptoms of these diseases in different areas include the following.
- Frequent and frequent dizziness
- Frequent sneezing
- Burning, itching and watery eyes
- Frequent awakening from sleep
- Snore too much
- Pain felt in the jaw area
- Hoarseness
- Sore throat
- Ear discharge
- Hearing loss
- Tinnitus
- Ear pain
- Nosebleeds
- Itchy nose
- Runny nose